5 Legitimate Part Time Jobs from Home

Are you searching for part time jobs from home? The good news is that the rise of the Internet and the birth of the social media have brought plenty of opportunities to make money online.

Making Money Online

The time when the online world was not a big thing and part time jobs from home were far from profitable are long gone. Today, there are legitimate online jobs available for anyone with a computer at home and some of these jobs pay better than salary based positions.

Part Time Jobs from Home Opportunities

If you are tired of working in the office every day from 9 to 5 and wish to be your own boss for a change, we are glad to inform you that there are endless opportunities to make good money with part time home based jobs.

From virtual assistants, online teachers, and social media managers to freelance writers and affiliate marketing specialists, there is something for everyone.  We’ve rounded up a list of some of the best part time jobs from home.

List of the Best Part Time Jobs from Home

1. Virtual Assistant 

With many companies operating online these days, it’s no wonder that most of these businesses hire virtual assistants to help them organize things and do administrative tasks.

Most of the virtual assistants are independent contractors working from their home offices. They are in charge of various tasks including responding to emails, managing calendars, posting on social media, writing content, and entering data.

Where to find Virtual Assistance Jobs:  The best way to find a job as a virtual assistant is to use websites such as Flex Jobs and UpWork. These online platforms attract many clients who are hoping to find virtual assistance available for work.

Who can Apply: A person that loves multitasking and is very organized.

How much Money Can I Make: It all really depends on the type of virtual assistant jobs and the company, but the usually pay is between $10 and $15 per hour.

2. Freelance Writer

One of the best part time jobs from home is freelance writing. Although many websites have in-house writers, there are thousands of sites who prefer to outsource and hire people who will create content for them.

When it comes to freelance writing, there is plenty to choose from. You can write blogs, columns, reviews, itineraries, reviews, guides, etc. The easiest way to make a steady income from freelance writing is to focus on one niche. It can be travel writing, creating content that revolves around business and economy or writing product descriptions and social media content. The options are endless.

Where to find Jobs as a Freelance Writer:  There are a bunch of sites where you can find freelance writing part time jobs from home. Some of the most popular platforms for freelance writers include UpWork, Freelancer, People Per Hour, Media Bistro and many others. You can also pitch ideas to magazines or create your own blog.

Who can Apply: Anyone with a good knowledge of English language and with a passion for writing. People who have specialized knowledge in various niches can easily find writing part time home based jobs online.

How much Money Can I Make: If you are planning on writing about things that require little research, expect to make from $5-15 per a short article or around $6-10 per hour. Freelance writers with experience and people who specialize in technical, economy, and business writing can make between $20 and $50 per hour.

3. Online English Teacher

The truth is that both Native and non-Native English speakers can become online English teachers. All you need is a set of headphones, a good laptop camera, and a fast Internet connection. There are many students from all around the world and especially in Asian countries who are looking for online English teachers. Lessons usually last for about 25 to 50 minutes on Internet video services like Skype.

Where to find Online English Teacher Jobs: Although you can find online English teacher jobs on UpWork and Craigslist, the majority of work can be found through various agencies that pay their teachers and take a percentage from the clients.

Who can Apply: It’s a big plus if you are native English speaker with experience in teaching, but there are also people who just love to speak English and pass on their knowledge to students all around the world via Skype.

How much Money Can I Make: Freelancers whose native language is English and those with experience and a degree in teaching English usually make $20 to $ 50 per hour, while teachers who are non-natives are work for an agency make from $5 to $15 per hour.

4. Research Interviewer

If you are looking for part time jobs from home and like talking on the phone, research interviewer just may be that ideal online job for you. You will need to have a quiet workspace and a steady phone connection to become a research interviewer.

Where to find a Job as a Research Interviewer: There are many companies like Maritz CX and Nielsen who hire people with experience in customer service. Most of them wish to improve their businesses and offer all kinds of perks and benefits for their online workers.

Who can Apply: Anyone who knows a thing or two about marketing, has a friendly voice, and has no problems with calling people on the phone and asking them questions.

How much Money Can I Make: It depends on your skills as a research interviewer, experience, and the company you choose to work from. An average pay is from $10 to $20 per hour.

5. Affiliate Marketer

There are thousands of sites that provide affiliate programs. Your job as an affiliate marketer is to join an affiliate program, promote their products, and make money from selling products from the advertiser.

Where to find Affiliate Marketing Jobs: Clickbank, Amazon, and Flipkart are some of the most popular affiliate programs.

Who can Apply: People who love to work hard and have the necessary skills in the selling department are ideal for a position as an affiliate marketer.

How much Money Can I Make: It is not easy to determine what a typical affiliate marketing income is because, as it all depends on the affiliate program you choose to work for and your skills as a person who is selling products.


Thanks to the development of technology, working from home has become a popular way of making money. Anyone with a computer can search for part time jobs from home and the opportunities for launching your career of a person who works from home are endless.

Phil Manning

I'm an addict - coffee, surf, work, and wine. Been living the travel developer lifestyle since 2012 - constantly looking for where to work and surf next.