Future Ideas

Contact me if you want to get involved or start your own project!

Directory of service providerswebsitehttps://twitter.com/adamwathan/status/1518400980143988736
Global social networkwebsiteWhere are your friends? How can you contact them?
Monthly rentalswebsiteAccommodation for long-term travellers
Breaking Points BoardwebsiteA list of micro-apps to build for Breaking Points
Floatmadboatmonthly apartment rental sailcruise yacht
Hotel Private OfferwebsiteOffer $ to stay somewhere below listed price
Small Business LendingwebsiteDirect micro-loans
FreshiiwebsiteSame-day catch and sell for local fishermen
Home MedicserviceMedical care at home - doctors come to you
EntreparkbuildingColiving Incubator
Social VotingwebsiteVoting system for podcasts. Who to interview, what to ask 1
Nomad FlightswebsiteScottsCheapFlights for one-ways
Giving FundwebsiteA better way for rich ppl to give away money
RandomCallappRandomly call someone in your contacts to catch up
Hands-on-LearningappBook in person lessons for things (plumbing, electronics, etc.)
Send ShitappMarketplace to buy stuff for people or ask for things
One Finance AppappPersonal finance app to connect, track, pay, all your finances
Phone BasketproductBasket to collect phones for public rooms
Mini River CleanupproductSmaller version that can be built with everyday materials
Personal Health AppappAll your past medical records and data
Life Skills SchoolschoolIn-person courses on everyday survival and sustainability tasks
Underwater Breathing FiltermoonshotWhy can't we use the starwars UBA yet?
IRL StackOverflowwebsiteAsk a question have someone come help
Life DashboardappSubscriptions, bank accounts, credit score, important dates, goals,health, courses, streaks, etc.
PermaVidacourseHow to make things yourself and become self-sustainable
BuiltWithNativewebsiteBuilt with for native mobile apps
Open Source ContributionswebsitePledge amount to OSS
Boat TravelwebsiteUber for going across seas/oceans
Town ValuetechCrypto/other value given to those who create towns but don't own real estate
JamubeverageBest drink in the world ;)